
Plastic pallets price buy wholesale sale



Our company sells plastic pallets (pallets) of various sizes and types. As is it known, plastic and polymeric pallets are widely used in the transportation and logistics .
Plastic pallets compared to their wooden counterparts have a number of benefits. They are more resistant to environmental effects, have better strength qualities and smoother surface. But the main advantage of plastic pallets is their long term of operation.

In addition, pallets could be easily recycled. Therefore, at the end of their lifetime, you can hand them over for recycling.

Nowadays, the use of plastic pallets is more reasonable and rational in relation to new environmental standards, thanks to the fact that polymer pallets are easily washed and dried, and do not absorb odors, dirt and moisture.

There are different types and sizes of plastic pallets (pallets). The most popular sizes are: 1200 x 800, 1200 x 1000, 800 x 600, 600 x 400.

SEE OUR PRICE LIST: Pallets price